
Importing goods, as the name implies, means importing a good from one country to another country, sometimes due to the lack of some important goods in a country. In fact, every year, the commercial policy makers determine the country’s need for specific goods and then import the desired goods.

Of course, importing goods is not that easy, because a series of policies such as tariffs are applied, in addition to import procedures and costs, which make the work a little difficult; However, import is one of the most important areas of trade and commerce in the world, which is carried out by various companies.

There are many import companies in Iran and abroad that have solved many import obstacles and problems for traders and the import work is done a little easier than before.

Procedures for importing goods

Since some goods cannot be produced in most countries due to the lack of suitable conditions and sufficient labor, the private and public sectors consider importing goods as the best solution. However, to import goods, you must go through the import process. People who are interested in this field should follow these steps step by step.

But the import of goods can be divided into two stages, which includes buying and sending goods, and the second stage is the stages of registering the order of importing goods and clearing the goods from customs.

First step: buying and sending goods

At this stage, you should first write a letter and request a price, and then provide complete information, including the catalog and seller’s profile. Other tasks of the first stage include negotiating with the seller, checking the supplier company, finalizing the order, paying the fee, inspecting the quantity and quality of the goods, determining the shipping and loading method.

The import of goods is done in the following steps:
1. Letters related to price requests
2. Catalog request and seller information and profile
3. Bargaining the price and getting a discount
4. Finalize the order
5. Obtaining the proforma
6. International payment
7. Selection of letter of credit
8. Coordination for mandatory inspection and standard
9. Coordination of international transportation

Second stage: goods clearance

At this stage, you must first register an order and then receive the necessary permits for importing goods. Then it’s time to receive the declaration of arrival of the goods at the customs, and finally, you have to pay the fees and duties so that the goods reach the clearance warehouse and then reach you. Of course, in order to get your goods out of customs faster, you should be familiar with how to register an import order.

Import company

Anyone who wants to import or even export a product must first obtain a license. This license to register import orders must be renewed every 6 months. The order registration license is issued by the Iran Trade Development Organization, which is written with eight-digit numbers along with the date of the license and the date of the proforma and the name of the applicant company.

To register an import order, you have to go through several steps, which include obtaining a proforma from the seller, checking the value of the goods at customs, checking the priority of the goods, checking the required details, uploading the proforma, obtaining an insurance policy and registering the order at the intermediary bank.

Doing these things on your own without a consultant is practically difficult and exhausting, so you need a deal broker and consultant. Who can help you better than Ghasir Shargh? This company is ready to cooperate with all traders in order to conclude any contract with importers and even exporters and perform legal procedures to obtain necessary permits.

The field of activity of this company is from import of goods and purchase and order registration of goods to customs and foreign exchange trading services.

Laws of importing goods

Importing goods is an international business that commercial policy makers try to create the conditions for this process by applying a series of laws and regulations. In this way, the method of importing goods is done in a completely principled way and in accordance with the laws of the world.

Therefore, the conditions for importing goods are the same for all importers and they are obliged to follow the rules and regulations. Therefore, traders should keep their information in this field up to date, because the knowledge of these laws makes the traders carry out their activities in accordance with the framework of the laws.

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The main and most important rules that every trader and importer should know include the following:

Import and export rules and regulations

This law is one of the most important laws that was approved by the Islamic Council in 1372 and contains 24 different articles in which all the red lines and generalities related to commercial areas are stated.

Executive regulations of import laws and regulations

In 1373, this law was approved by the Board of Ministers, which contains about 46 articles and all the points that traders should know are stated in this regulation.

Law and regulations of customs affairs

This law was approved by the Islamic Council in 1390 and contains points about goods clearance and customs process. All importers and exporters must be familiar with this law and regulation.

Book of rules and regulations

In this book, you will read many rules and tips about importing goods and related tariffs. It is interesting to know that the rules and tariffs of this book are updated every year when the Trade Development Organization publishes it.

Executive order

In the instructions and circulars, the most important and main rules and regulations of importing goods are stated, which is necessary for all importers to read. To know about this circular, you should check the information and news related to the import of goods every day.

The cost of importing goods

One of the questions that always concerns the minds of people who have just entered this field is the cost of importing goods. In general, the cost of importing goods depends on the following 7 parameters:

  • Product purchase cost

Most of the cost of importing goods is spent on buying goods.

  • Quality inspection fee

The problems of importing goods are much easier to solve if you check the quality of the goods before they leave the origin.

  • Cost of shipping services

Your shipping cost depends on the volume of your order and its shipping method, type of delivery, destination and origin of shipping.

  • Shipping insurance fee

Make it your priority to get cargo insurance so that you are relieved of any damage, injuries and theft of the goods; Because your shipping company will not reimburse you when such problems occur, while the insurance company will compensate you for any damage.

  • Cost of goods inspection

According to the volume and quantity of goods, the cost of goods inspection also varies.

  • cost of storage

You must pay the storage fee before you clear the goods from the port. This cost depends on the size and quantity of your product. The warehousing fee has a part called the demurrage fee or the right to stop, and it is specific to situations where your cargo is not cleared from customs on time.

  • Customs fee

The customs fee depends on the tariff of your goods. You can get help from our experts to know the exact tariff of your customs goods.

Advice on importing goods

Despite the many changes that have occurred in the field of trade and commerce, and in addition to the many obstacles that stand in the way of merchants, the need for business advice and clearance of goods is seen more than before among merchants. In other words, consulting services for importing goods is considered an inseparable part of business activities, and since importing goods is a principled work with special rules and regulations, it is impossible to be successful in this field without knowing these rules; Therefore, first of all, you should increase your knowledge in this field.

One of the companies that can help you in this field is Simorgh Tejarat Giti company. This trade and commerce company operates in various fields related to import and export, and with high work experience, it can help you with any service.

The most profitable imported goods

The best goods to import include cosmetics, kitchen appliances, mobile accessories, sports equipment, toys, virtual reality equipment and modeling equipment. The most suitable country for importing these goods is China, where you can import all these items from China.

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